Yogi Living Ashram

Awakening To Love | Yoga Blog
Home / Awakening To Love | Yoga Blog

Awakening To Love

I hope my Awakening To Love blog inspires you to practice yoga and one day come see us at Yogi Living Retreat Center, in Sweden.

I had a prestigious career in political science that was taking a heavy toll on my health. I wanted more freedom, love and joy in my life. So, I took a huge risk. I put my career behind me and left for India to study yoga.

Yoga can change your life, I know because it happened to me.

Yoga Blog

I am open to bloggers and yoga teachers who wish to post in our Awakening To Love blog.

Posts will need to be consistent with our mission, which broadly includes yoga, classical tantra, health (particularly Ayurveda), and the psychology of wellbeing. Personal experiences relating to yoga are also of interest.

I would love to learn about your yoga related goals and find ways we can collaborate, including beyond this blog.

Message me on winniebotheherself@gmail.com or use our online contact form.

Awakening To Love

© Yogi Living 2024

7 Days Of Silence | A Solo Yoga Retreat In Sweden

7 Days Of Silence | A Solo Yoga Retreat In Sweden

If you’re seeking personal growth, inner peace, and a deeper connection with yourself, this solo yoga retreat in Sweden may be the perfect escape.
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Yoga For The Vagus Nerve: Is It The Best Antidote To Stress?

Yoga For The Vagus Nerve: Is It The Best Antidote To Stress?

Yoga for the vagus nerve lowers anxiety and is profoundly relaxing. Regular practice reduces stress hormones, boosts the immune system and improves sleep.
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12 Ways To Activate Kundalini From Serene To Sensual

12 Ways To Activate Kundalini From Serene To Sensual

Kundalini Tantra
It was like being bathed in a swirling rainbow of northern lights, an experience that was so profound it completely shattered my skepticism.
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Tantra Is NOT About Sex! Well, Almost.

Tantra Is NOT About Sex! Well, Almost.

Tantra is NOT about sex! explores the growing trend of ritualizing sex at the expense of the spiritualization of life. Don't be fooled by glossy advertising.
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Time To Wake Up! But What Is Spiritual Awakening?

Time To Wake Up! But What Is Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakening is the realization of one's true self and purpose, leading to profound growth, fulfillment, and inner peace, enriching every aspect of life.
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What Are Chakras? The Untapped Treasure Within

What Are Chakras? The Untapped Treasure Within

What are chakras if they are not physical? Classical Tantra sees them as processes, not things. Take a dive into the fascinating world of energy centers!
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Emotional Healing: Breaking The Cycle Of Stress

Emotional Healing: Breaking The Cycle Of Stress

Emotional healing can kick-start your dreams. Here are five ways emotional healing opens your life to new possibilities and lets you reclaim your happiness!
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The Meaning Of Tantra | Awakening To Love

The Meaning Of Tantra | Awakening To Love

Tantra is about the alignment of mind, body, and spirit not indulgence in sensual pleasure. It is about awakening to the flow of life in every moment and every experience.
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Healing With Yoga Therapy: From Burnout To Happiness

Healing With Yoga Therapy: From Burnout To Happiness

From burnout to happiness. How personal experiences with yoga therapy turned my life around and empowered me to make better choices and live more freely.
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Winnie Winnetu Teaching Yoga | Yogi Living Ashram

from the heart

I teach Classical Tantra Yoga learned first-hand from Indian yogis and Tibetan monks. This ancient knowledge is supported by scientific research. My teaching is based on awakening the heart center, but also grounded on the principles of holism and working to integrate mind and body.

After holding yoga teacher training courses in India for 5 years I felt a strong pull to open my own yoga center, here in Sweden. This impulse led to the creation of Yogi Living Collective and the opening of a Yoga Retreat Center where I now do most of my yoga teaching and share the path of Awakening To Love.