Yogi Living Retreat Center

12 Ways To Activate Kundalini | Awakening To Love
awakening to love

12 Ways To Activate Kundalini From Serene To Sensual

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15 minutes

Kundalini activation boosts energy levels, clears mental fog, and helps you stay grounded and focused in daily life.

Kundalini, Don't Think About It

When Kundalini Awakening happens you feel totally alive, awake, and present. Compared to your previous state, likely one where you only thought you were awake. Most people are living on auto-pilot, in a dreamy haze closer to sleep than awake.

With my academic background, I was highly skeptical of concepts such as kundalini energy and chakras. I knew nothing about the different ways to activate Kundalini. I tried Kundalini yoga because of its promise to reduce stress and improve my health. Who wouldn’t want to taste the fountain of youth?

After completing Kundalini Teacher Training in India, I returned to Sweden feeling like a brand-new person. Friends and family mentioned my youthful glow.

Kundalini activation wasn't just talk

Feeling a surge of energy (kundalini) running through my energy centers (chakras) was an eye opener. Quite literally.

I was bathed in what felt like a swirling rainbow of northern lights. This experience was so profound it completely undid the skeptic in me. From that point on, I was a believer in the power of Shakti (life force energy). Each day I choose one of several ways to activate Kundalini, and this has profoundly changed my life.

I do not to describe my experience as a full Kundalini Awakening. To me, it was more about feeling the energy moving through my chakras. Consciously moving prana through the energy centers is one of the ways to activate kundalini. Many people have had such experiences. A full Kundalini Awakening is going to change you completely, you are literally reborn.

Roots of Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini energy and the different ways to activate kundalini are rooted in classical Kashmiri Tantra Yoga. These ancient tantric texts talk of the energy body and related terms like nadis, bindus, and chakras. While spiritual awakening is not unique to Kundalini Yoga, the methods used are. These primarily focus on using the power of the energy body as a path to awakening.

While many think of Kundalini Activation as raising energy, Tantric writings describe it more as a balance of upward and downward. Kundalini Activation can be a sudden movement but, it is usually a slower more steady process. And this is actually preferable. For this reason I teach ways to activate Kundalini that are very grounded.

The different ways to activate kundalini work on the koshas, which are the physical, energy, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the human body. It is a natural and holistic approach that improves physical health, boosts energy, and improves emotional balance and mental stability. It also raises awareness into the realm of soul, and spirit.

be patient, be kind

Some rare individuals are awakened at birth. An example is Krishnamurthi, an Indian philosopher born in 1895. Although not explicitly a tantrika, he drew much of wisdom from tantra philosophy.

Research suggests that Kundalini Activation begins in the brain. The awakened have increased seretonin, endorphins, oxytocin and melatonin. Kundalini activation creates higher levels of activity in certain parts of the brain, such as the amygdala. This is typically experienced as deeper focus and more energy.

What Kundalini Activation is NOT is a miracle that happens during a weekend retreat, as some contemporary teachers claim. The Buddha’s enlightenment may have been realized in a moment, but came only after years of sadhana. It is the same for all who make use of the various ways to activate Kundalini. Time and regular practice are absolutely necessary.

Expect Kundalini Awakening to take long dedicated practice. Perhaps lifetime of practice. It is a journey, be sure to enjoy it and take time to smell the roses. The intention you set for your journey is more important than straining to reach an idea of what it is.

Sun Salutation | Yoga At Home

12 Ways To Activate Kundalini

There are many ways to activate Kundalini, you only need to find one that works.

If Kundalini awakening happens, that’s great! Enjoy your happiness. If it doesn’t, then make sure the journey is worthwhile, make it beautiful and giving. Live with a kind heart and without hurting others.

Here are 12 ways to activate kundalini:

1. Tantric Meditation: Merging Universal Consciousness

Tantra Yoga has many, many different meditations. There are huge volumes if tantric texts, with over 3,000 yet to be translated. One that has been well-studied is the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. Within its sacred writings are described 112 meditations for reaching Samadhi (bliss consciousness).

Meditation calms the busy mind. It helps you reach higher states of consciousness. But, this needs practice. Dealing with an over-active mind is a big challenge, at least to begin with.

Tantra meditations are powerful because they focus on the energy body. Remember, this is one of the ways to activate Kundalini. Once the energy is active, you can push on into higher states of meditation, where the mind becomes very still. The ultimate state is Bhairava in Classical Tantra, or Samadhi in yoga, Purusha in Patanjali’s Sutras, Brahman in Vedanta. We can also simply call it our true nature.

If you find meditating calming, try also practicing mindfulness in nature. Spend time with a tree, go for a walk in the forest after rainfall, or sit by the sea. Pay close attention to what is going on around you. That could be the moving waves or the sound of wind in the leaves. Observe until you are completely absorbed. Use the senses to dive deep into meditation.

2. Kriya Yoga: Purifying Body and Mind

Kundalini Kriya Yoga is a form of Tantric meditation. It is a meditation combining breath and mind control. Breath control is self-control. Breath mastery is self-mastery. When the breath is mastered you approach the higher state.

Think of Kundalini Kriyas as an orchestra. There is not just one instrument playing, it requires many instruments to create a symphony. The magic happens when all instruments are in tune and playing together.

Kundalini Kriyas are oe of my favorite ways to activate Kundalini. The magic comes from the specific combination of different practices. These can be postures (Asana), breath control (Pranayama), energetic seals (Mudras), energy locks (Bandha), visualization, or sound (Nadi Yoga). When the chakras become active and the central channels (Ida and Pingala Nadi) are balanced, Kundalini begins to rise.

It does not happen overnight but, sustained effort will pay dividends. Even if Kundalini remains quiet, you will still enjoy more harmony, energy, and bliss in your everyday life.

3. Karma Yoga: Intentional Living

Your intention is crucial when it comes to Kundalini activation. Be careful and sure of what you seek, or you can end up with the opposite! Karma yoga is like a cleanse for your mind and heart. It prepares you for the journey of awakening.

For me, it meant shifting focus from myself, to helping others. Once I did this, I felt more love from people around me. Karma yoga is about doing your duty, it means not putting yourself first. Do, however, take care of yourself so you are fully able to help others effectively.

When doing your duty, always give others your best effort. Selfless action means helping others without thought for what you get in return. Leave that to the Universe. Try not to get attached. Duty to others does not require you like them. Treat everyone equally.

4. Mantra Chanting: Balancing Energies

Mantras help connect the upper and lower aspects of Kundalini energy. Their practice is one of the more esoteric ways to activate Kundalini. The image of yogis sitting and chanting mantras is something that has entered popular culture one of the quintessential spiritual practices. In the Netra-tantra (around 800 CE) it is explained that chanting must be done with intensity. When there is enough focussed intention, the mantra becomes a “sound needle”. This needle “pierces the psychic knot at the center of the head” so opening us to experience the true unity of existence. The upper Kundalini merges with the lower Kundalini, and moves up in the central channel (Sushumna), leading to awakening.

Beach Meditation Mudra | Kundalini Activation

5. Secret Tibetan Kundalini Rites

The Tibetan Rites, originating from Tibetan monastic culture, are little known in the yoga community. These are not the better known “5 Tibetans”. These are practices kept secret until very recently. They were shared with the world to prevent the total loss of Tibetan culture at the hands of the Chinese. Unlike the 5 Tibetans, which focus on the physical body, the Tibetan Rites work with the energy body and are more meditative. They particularly benefit those with an over active mind.

The monks in Tibet kept these practices hidden because they were the only ones entrusted to communicate with the divine. Using the practice they could meditate for up to three weeks sitting only in a small box of hay with no space to sleep.

Of all the different ways to activate Kundalini, the Tibetan Rites are my personal go-to practice. My former students have also witnessed the transformative power of this practice. Integrating them into a daily yoga and meditation practice enhances inner strength, resilience and vitality. They are like a shield to the negative energy of the outside world.

Sharing these practices helps preserve the Tibetan culture and provides a valuable practice for individuals on  their awakening journey.

6. Tapasya: Meditation in Austerity

Tapasya literally means generation of heat and energy. Kundalini awakening is achieved through the purification of samskaras through deep meditation and austerities. This is a path less suited to modern lifestyles and mostly only used by Siddhas and Monks. It requires strict discipline, and methods such as fasting, silence, isolation or meditation in freezing conditions. Although popularized by Wim Hof, dipping into an ice bath is not considered Tapasya.

7. Chakra Awakening: Asana Yoga

Practicing yoga and sun salutation every day prepares your body and it may surprise you that i scan be one of the most effective ways activate the Kundalini energy. However, there is a special trick to achieving this: focus on the chakras.

Close your eyes and put your attention to the breath as you flow through the poses. Take slow, deep breaths for at least 5 seconds, filling up your lungs and belly. During the practice, use ujjayi or “ocean breath”. This involves gently closing the muscles around your throat and making a sound like the ocean. Once achieved, bring your attention to your chakras.

Similarly, when doing sun salutation, focus on the chakras in turn and move through the poses smoothly. Treat it as a moving meditation. Once you get used to practicing yoga this way, it will completely change your experience of it.

Joyful Meditation | Tantra For Couples

8. Tantra Philosophy

Tantra philosophy teaches us to let go of our ego and attachments, and to see everything as connected. By meditating, chanting mantras, and focusing on your energy centers, tantric practitioners feel more love and fulfilment. Deep inner peace comes from understanding ourselves better, not from chasing after external things.

You may be aware of stories of “gurus” that abused their power over people or otherwise took advantage of their position. Tantric kundalini yoga is powerful, intention matters. Cultivate aware of yourself and question attachments.

At the core of tantra philosophy is the idea of non-duality, and our connection with the universe as vibrational energy. This principle is also a core principle of quantum physics. In practical terms, it means respecting all living beings, recognizing that damaging any life disturbs the entire ecosystem, ourselves included. In simpler terms, if we harm life, we are harming ourselves.

Although not one the principle ways to activate Kundalini, Tantra philosophy is the foundation of and grounding for experiences on the path. Knowing how to navigate the life changes that can and will occur, is critical to success.

9. Pranayamas

The practice of pranayama (breathwork) is one of most powerful ways to activate Kundalini. It can have profound effects your energy body and so should be used only with careful instruction. They need to be balanced. Some Pranayamas increase fire element in the body while others are more calming. Together they activate and balance the different koshas of the body: physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Practicing kumbhaka (breath retention) this energy can be concentrated into the chakras. Over time this raises Kundalini through the sushumna nadi (central energy pathway). Be careful! Raising Kundalini only using breathwork may over-activate the energy. Your Koshas can become unbalanced, with the risk of Kundalini Madness (psychosis). Always, after intense fire breath, end with calming and stabilizing pranayamas, such as Nadi Choaden (alternate nostril breathing).

Deep Meditation | 12 Ways To Activate Kundalini

10: Activation through Samavesa (secret sexual unification rite)

In classical tantra, only those who have reached the highest levels of spiritual growth are ready for Samavesa. To be able to use sexual rituals individuals absolutely must know their spiritual identity and have overcome desire. This is only possible with years of tantra practice.

These practices are ways to activate Kundalini but are mentioned here only for completeness. They are not for ordinary people and NEVER over a weekend retreat or workshop.

Here an excerpt from renowned tantra scholar Christopher Wallis, author of Tantra Illuminated.

Through the co-penetration of the siddha and yogini, the great celebratory unification arises...through the melting away of the duality of Siva and Sakti...which is the supreme fusion in identity (maha-samarasya) of the two.

Rituals described in ancient tantric texts are very different from what you see at modern so-called “tantra festivals”. It has nothing to do with gathering together to dance and explore sexual techniques, Kink and Bondage. If you are interested in tantric sexuality, I can only recommend practicing with your partner under the (non participating!) guidance of an experienced tantra coach who understands classical tantra.

11. Shaktipat

“Shakti” refers to the life-giving energy of the Goddess Shakti, and “pat” means “to descend.” Shaktipat could be said to be the descent of the Goddess, usually referred to as “grace”, and is considered to mark the start of the awakening journey. Some people experience Shaktipat as a transmission given by a guru to a student, or from someone who is already Kundalini awakened.

Kundalini energy may also come down suddenly and without a clear reason, usually only recognized later by its effects. For example, feeling drawn to find a spiritual teacher suggests that some form of Shaktipat has already taken place. Without it, the desire to seek would not arise.

Sometimes, Shaktipat leads to a profound realization and change in the way of seeing the world. In most cases, it happens gradually over time similar with other ways to activate Kundalini. According to the Kaula, an early text of tantra, you do not need a Guru or a God to achieve awakening. It can just be an ordinary teacher who understands tantric teaching well enough to initiate the change in you. I have quite frequently experienced students who left Yogi Living Ashram inspired to follow the tantric path. They experienced its benefits immediately in their lives.

12. Auyshadhi: Activating Kundalini through Herbs

Auyshadhi is a “hidden method” that uses plants. Some of these plant medicines will put you into a deep state of meditation, where the nervous system and metabolism slow down. This method is practiced secretly in India. In other parts of the world, plant medicines, such as Ayahuasca, are used for their psycho-spiritual effects. They can cause visions and sometimes “near death” experiences that reset the nervous system.

Of the different ways to activate Kundalini, using psychedelic plants is the most risky, and particularly so when given by untrained individuals. This can lead to psychosis, and should definitely not be tried by those with a history of mental health issues.

Taking psychedelic plants can give a genuine or pemanent Kundalini Awakening, but most often provide a brief glimpse of what it is like. This can inspire many to explore Kundalini yoga more deeply. Several of my students were so inspired by such experiences that they joined courses to pursue the Kundalini yoga path. One such student told me their experience with Ayahuasca made him realize the real battle lay within. After attending a course, he found a more lasting connection with his inner self.


An awakened person is said to have clarity of vision, and high quality of thinking. It an be compared to waking up from a daydreaming state to full awareness.

First, it is necessary to gain knowledge and experience of ways to activate Kundalini. Be cautious, find the path that connects with your heart. Each method is unique, but all require dedication and patience. Set an intention to be compassionate, loving and selfless on the journey. This is important.

Of the different ways to activate Kundalini, tantric meditation, Kriya yoga and pranayamas focus on energy control and the chakras. Living the philosophy of Tantra, practicing mindfulness, and letting go of ego and attachments will support your Kundalini Awakening process.

Ultimately, Kundalini activation is a multi-dimensional process that requires commitment and deep inner exploration. These ancient practices empower you and enhance all aspects of your being. It is a truly profound journey of personal self-discovery and growth.


  1. Satyanarayan Mishra, Kundalini Awakening: A Study on the Psychological Aspects, Int. J. Ad. Social Sciences. 2017; 5(2):113-121. doi: 10.5958/2454-2679.2017.00011.1
  2. Kundalini Tantra, Satyananda Saraswati. Oct. 2002, from Malaymura Institute.
  3. The Five Tibetans. Five Dynamic Exercises for Health, Energy and Personal Power, Christopher S. Kilham, 1994, from Healing Arts Press.
  4. Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, and Practice of a Timeless Tradition, Christopher Wallis, August 2013, from Malaymura Institute.
  5. What is the Original Kundalini, Christopher Wallis, 15 August 2015 from Hareesh.org.

Kundalini Activation Retreat (7 days)

the path of radiant light

Yogi Living Retreat Center
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“Through kundalini you elevate not just yourself, but the world around you”

Winnie Winnetu
dr. winnie bothe

Winnie has practiced yoga for more than 15 years and lead yoga teacher training retreats in India for 5 years. She is internationally certified in Kundalini, Hath and Yin Yoga and in Yoga Therapy.

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