Yogi Living Ashram

Tantra Yoga For Couples

the yoga of love
tantra yoga retreat

Love Yoga

A Tantra Yoga For Couples Retreat is an investment in the future of your relationship. It’s a commitment to strengthening your bond, to exploring new dimensions of intimacy, and to growing together in love and understanding.

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Tantra is the art of weaving together the sacred and the mundane, it is a dance of that transcends ordinary living and enters the realm of the divine.

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The Yoga Of Love

tantra YOGA for couples retreat

A Tantra Yoga For Couples Retreat is an investment in the future of your relationship. It’s a commitment to strengthening your bond, to exploring new dimensions of intimacy, and to growing together in love and understanding. Give yourselves the gift of this transformative experience—your relationship deserves it!

Tantra Yoga For Couples is a transformative journey designed to deepen emotional and physical intimacy, enhance connection, and foster spiritual growth within a relationship.

Rooted in ancient Eastern traditions, Tantra yoga emphasizes the sacredness of human connection and the integration of mind, body, and spirit. Through guided tantra yoga practices, couples learn to cultivate a harmonious and fulfilling relationship by exploring and embracing their intimate bond in profound ways.

A Time To Be Together

Imagine escaping to a retreat where you and your partner can immerse yourselves in a world of deep connection, sensuality, and spiritual growth. A Tantra Yoga For Couples Retreat offers just that—a transformative experience designed to rejuvenate your relationship on every level.

You will stay in the private wing of Yogi Living Ashram (booked exclusively for your sessions). We can also work online using Zoom (many people prefer this option due to its flexibility and simplicity). In some special cases I can come to your home.

And if you want to continue the journey, you can extend your yoga coaching for as long as you need. Enjoy support and encouragement every step of the way!

Tantra Yoga For Couples | Private Yoga Coaching
Tantra Yoga Class | Private Coaching

One of the most compelling aspects of a tantra yoga retreat is the opportunity for personal growth alongside your partner. You’ll explore your own desires and boundaries in a safe, supportive environment, gaining insights that can lead to greater self-awareness and self-love. As you grow individually, you’ll also find that your relationship blossoms in new and unexpected ways. The skills and practices you learn at the Tantra Yoga For Couples Retreat can be integrated into your daily life, providing lasting benefits.

In a busy world, it’s easy to become disconnected, caught up in the stress of everyday life. A Tantra Yoga For Couples Retreat provides space and time away from distractions, where you focus entirely on each other. Through guided exercises, meditations, and sacred rituals, you learn how to communicate and connect in new ways. This isn’t just about enhancing your physical intimacy; it’s about creating a profound emotional and spiritual bond that will sustain your relationship long after the retreat ends.

Tantra is not just about the union of two bodies, but the union of two souls. It invites us to explore the depths of love, intimacy, and connection, transforming our relationships into sacred partnerships.

Transformative Relating

Advantages of A Personal Tantra coach

Working with a personal Tantra yoga coach gives you:

  1. Custom Teaching: Private yoga coaching means tailored teaching to your unique needs, goals, and body type.
  2. One-To-One Attention: Clients receive personal attention and guidance, making for a more intimate and direct learning experience, and better technique.
  3. Flexibility And Adaptability: Your private yoga coach can adjust any posture or set of poses to account for injuries, body type, or other concerns.
  4. Holistic Approach: Personal yoga coaching combines elements of meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness. This supports the whole person, not just the physical body.

Private yoga coaching can also help you stay committed to your practice and make better progress towards your goals. It is also a way to boost your practice, gain a deeper understanding of yoga and develop a more holistic lifestyle.

tantra YOGA for couples

3 days

A romatic getawaway with very practical benefits!


tantra YOGA for couples

7 days

A real opportunity to focus on your lover for a week.


tantra YOGA for couples

Per hour

Support and coaching for you in your own home.


Mountain High, Ocean Deep

the tantra YOGA for couples Program

Classical Tantra Yoga uses a wide range of practices designed to integrate physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines, emphasizing a holistic approach. Practices we teach include:

A sacred ritual of drinking high grade spiced cacao, meditation, breathwork, and intention setting. 

Chakra yoga aims to balance the flow of energy through the energy centers.

A meditation for couples using eye contact and breathing with each other.

An active meditation to awaken kundalini and balance the chakras. 

Venus Kriyas are short, potent Kundalini Yoga practices done with a partner.

Tantric hugs involve slowing down, being present, and exploring physical touch and breath awareness.

An introduction to tantric love making. Afterwards you can practice with your partner.

Learn techniques for sensual touch, melting embrace, trantric kissing and tantra massage (no nudity).

The key elements of tantric communication are mindfulness, non-judgemental active listening, emotional expression and sensory exploration.

Tantra philosophy uses a wide variety of practices and rituals.

Click here to read more about Tantra Practices.

These practices form a comprehensive system aimed at self-realization, and the harmonious integration of body, mind, and spirit. The guidance of a experienced teacher is essential for deepening tantric practice and ensuring correct application of techniques.

tantra Yoga at yogi living ashram

Our retreats prioritize practices that foster both liberation and connection. Key to our approach is working with the chakras. This facilitates elevation in love and depth in meditation. Using a tantric approach, we target different elements (koshas) of your being, including; physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

During your time with us, you will get to try unique forms of meditation, such as the chocolate meditation and Venus kriyas. Our practices are designed to be releasing, heartwarming, and deeply meditative. When you leave a retreat, you will not be the same person. Indeed, you can expect to depart with a big smile.

Smiling Tantra Couple | Tantra Yoga Practices

7 reasons to join us

tantra YOGA for couples retreat
  1. On a Tantra Yoga For Couples Retreat you will discover the little-known ancient practices of dynamic meditation and Tibetan Rites that create strong emotional stability and independence from the expectations and moods of others.
  2. Understand how tantric philosophy can be a guide to heart-centered communication, emotional freedom and spiritual connection.
  3. Learn powerful chakra meditations for deep self-awareness, clarity of thought and inner calm.
  4. Safely raising Kundalini Energy expands your heart. You will be less controlled by fear and discover deeper insights into love.
  5. A Tantra Yoga For Couples Retreat teaches you how to live with more creativity, joy and intuitive wisdom.
  6. The practice of Tantra Yoga helps develop compassion and empathy, mental freedom and more openness to both give and receive love.
  7. You have the full attention of a dedicated Yoga Teaching Professional.
Winnie Winnetu | Personal Yoga Coach
Laughing Couple | Classical Tantra Yoga

Winnie Winnetu

personal YOGa coach

The yoga I teach is based on awakening the heart center and grounded on integrating mind and body. This approach supports optimal brain function and harmony between mind, body, and soul. As a result, my clients are more able to handle stress and enjoy a deeper, richer experience of life. We also see a noticeable increase in expressions of happiness love and compassion.

I help couples: deepen their connection, develop heart-centered communication, emotional intimacy and create a lasting relationship based on love and deep trust.

Read more about Winnie Winnetu

Ask Winnie

frequently asked questions

Classical Tantra Yoga is a spiritual tradition that began in India and thrived between the 5th and 12th centuries. During this time, thousands of texts known as “Tantras” were written. The texts detailed various Tantric practices and included many long commentaries. The primary aim of these yogic practices and beliefs was to elevate consciousness, explore the nature of reality, and achieve spiritual liberation.

Not at all. Yoga therapy is tailored to individual needs and does not involve complicated asanas.

Yogi Living Ashram resident yoga teacher Winnie Winnetu speaks English, Swedish, Danish, French and German so don’t worry if you cannot speak Swedish!

Yogi Living Ashram is located in Skåne, South Sweden close to the vibrant city of Malmö.
The closest international airports are Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup  (75 km) and Malmö airport, Sturup (30 km) with good rail connections to Malmö and on to Trelleborg (our closest town).
You can also come by car through Germany and take the ferry from Rostock to Trelleborg. There are 3 sailings (6 hours duration) per day.

The surrounding countryside is picture-postcard Sweden. There are many small picturesque villages and a mixture of open farmland, woodland, and lakes. The wonderful coastline of the Swedish Riviera is only 5km away. When the weather allows we can arrange an excursion to places like the Ales Stones (the “Swedish Stonehenge”) and local castles.
You can also hang in the garden under where we have a treehouse meditation platform and a jacuzzi.  There is a small ICA supermarket 5 minutes walk from the ashram.

tantra YOGA for couples

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