Yogi Living Ashram

yoga retreat
Original Kundalini Yoga

Original Kundalini yoga RETREAT

Learn ancient Kundalini yoga kriyas to be a better version of yourself.

Transform the way you live your life through original Kundalini yoga practices rooted in the ancient tantric tradition (non-sexual). 

During the retreat, you learn ancient yoga techniques taught by Indian Gurus and Tibetan monks for over 1000 years. Unique to Yogi Living Ashram is the practice of Tibetan Kundalini Rites (not the 5 Tibetans). These practices have been kept secret by Tibetan monks for thousands of years. Practicing Tantric Kundalini Yoga is a meditational form of yoga that helps you simply be your beautiful self. 

Many students find themselves smiling much more! The core practices on the retreat are Kundalini Yoga Kriyas. During this practice we dive deep into the self, releasing trapped negative energy from the past and replacing it with the pristine revitalizing energy of the present moment. 

With daily practice, your Kundalini energy will slowly awaken under the safe guidance of an experienced Kundalini teacher.  Once this happens you will experience feelings of deep relaxation, connectedness, and self-love. Your life will change forever.

Original Kundalini Yoga is not connected to the teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

Yogi Living

Kundalini Yoga Retreat

The Swedish Ashram

sharing love beauty and creativity

Anyone wishing to explore original Kundalini Yoga and powerful techniques for personal transformation can join.

daily practice

original kundalini yoga


Foundational practices to support your process, including pranayama (breath control), energy work, chakra meditations, and Tibetan Rites.


Core practices for awakening Kundalini energy such as Dynamic Kundalini Meditation and Kundalini Yoga Kriyas.
Free time for walking in nature, on the beach, or meditation at the top of our tree platform. 


Candlelight circles on chakra psychology and how to apply Kundalini philosophy to personal relationships.
Free time for meditation, laughter, and deep conversations or hot tub. 

What our yogis say

experiences at the ashram

Original kundalini tantra yoga retreat

Staying in the Ashram

When you chose A Tantra Kundalini Yoga, you will stay in the beautiful  setting of our Ashram with Indian artwork on the walls, a balcony overlooking the fields, and a terrace with a hot tub. Our retreat center is located in a beautiful little village called Klagstorp, surrounded by colorful fields and riveting nature. The white beaches of Skånes Riviera are only 5 km away.

Workshops and yoga classes are held in the Ashram. You will have free access to parking, the garden, a meditation platform, a tea house.

Whenever possible, we practice on the beach or in nature, or at sacred sites. In your free time, there are treks along the Swedish coastline to be explored and visits to the sites of historical interest to be had. In the evening, we have candlelight circles on chakra psychology and how to apply the Kundalini philosophy to personal relationships.

We serve 3 delicious meals per day. Let us know if you have a special diet or allergies and we will find a perfect menu for you.

Kundalini Tantra Yoga retreat


one week residential yoga retreat

Accommodation and meals included

10 reasons to join us

the benefits of joining An Original Kundalini yoga Retreat

  1. Safely raising your Kundalini energy expands your heart. You will be less controlled by fear and discover deeper insights into love.

  2.  Activate your chakra energy for deep self-awareness, clarity of thought and inner calm.

  3. Open yourself to heart-centered communication, and find stability in your relations.

  4. Learn ancient and secret Kundalini  yoga techniques taught by Indian Gurus and Tibetan monks for over 1000 years.

  5.  Fullfill your full potential and exell in your field.

  6.  Learn how to live with more consciousness, joy and love.

  7.  Deepen existing relationships and invite more love into your life.

  8. Explore Skåne’s riviera, silent lakes, castles and ancient viking sites.

  9. Deeply connect with the roots of the tantric kundalini tradition.

  10. Create heart centered friendships that last a lifetime.

BENEFITS OF tantric Kundalini Yoga

Tantra Meditation | Kundalini Awakening: From Serene to Sensual


Kundalini awakening under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

Kundalini Yoga Group | Yogi Living Ashram


Release negative energy from the past and live in the present moment.

Girls meditating on beach

Open Heart

Meet the world from your heaart with compassion, openness and wisdom.

Winnie Winnetu Yoga Teacher | Yogi Living Ashram

Winnie Winnetu

resident teacher at yogi living ASHRAM

Winnie Winnetu is a certified teacher of Hatha, Kundalini, Yin Yoga and Yoga Therapy and has been teaching yoga teacher training courses since 2015.

Quotation Marks

I teach original forms of kundalini yoga learned first-hand from Indian yogis and Tibetan monks

I teach Tantric Kundalini Yoga in its original form. This is why it is called a Classical Kundalini Yoga Retreat.

Kundalini energy is a primordial force said to be sleeping at the base of your spine. Once awakened it moves up through the chakra energy centers and raises your state of consciousness. You become less influenced by fear and anxiety and relate to others from a place of love. The heart blossoms and your experience of love will deepen tremendously.

I have had my own awakening through Kundalini yoga practice. It is a magical experience that I am dedicated to facilitating for other Kundalini practitioners.

Yoga Alliance International

I teach Kundalini Yoga as it promise a deeper and more lasting balance in life. Once your kundalini energy moves from the lower chakras (muladhara and swadhisthana), to the higher chakras (anahatha and ajna), you will replace fears  by intuitive wisdom, empathy and love.  

The practices I teach create a kind of protective shield, giving emotional stability regardless life challenges. I personally feel the difference if I neglect my practice for a few days: I am less stable, more prone to fear and anger, and more sensitive to other’s moods and projections.

Winnie Winnetu Signature

Head over to the blog to read more about Winnie Winnetu and her yoga journey.

Invite love into your life

Original kundalini tantra yoga retreat

Staying in the Ashram

When you chose A Tantra Kundalini Yoga, you will stay in the beautiful  setting of our Ashram with Indian artwork on the walls, a balcony overlooking the fields, and a terrace with a hot tub. Our retreat center is located in a beautiful little village called Klagstorp, surrounded by colorful fields and riveting nature. The white beaches of Skånes Riviera are only 5 km away.

Workshops and yoga classes are held in the Ashram. You will have free access to parking, the garden, a meditation platform, a tea house.

Whenever possible, we practice on the beach or in nature, or at sacred sites. In your free time, there are treks along the Swedish coastline to be explored and visits to the sites of historical interest to be had. In the evening, we have candlelight circles on chakra psychology and how to apply the Kundalini philosophy to personal relationships.

We serve 3 delicious meals per day. Let us know if you have a special diet or allergies and we will find a perfect menu for you.

Book a 20 minute Talk

Winnie Winnetu Yoga Class | Yogi Living Ashram