Yogi Living Ashram

Healing Yoga Practices

at yogi living
let go of the past

Wellbeing And Emotional Release

It only requires a few simple Healing Yoga methods to greatly improve mental and physical health, helping clients feel more optimistic and safe in their bodies.

healing yoga

from the heart

Emotional release is a gift to yourself.
These practices help any individual process, release, and manage their emotions in a healthy, safe and positive way.

Healing Yoga practices

core elements of PRANa yoga

It requires only a few simple Prana Yoga methods to improve mental health, and help clients feel more optimistic and safe in their bodies. Healing emotional wounds opens he door to more healthy, more fulfilling relationships with others.

1. pranayama (breathwork)

Pranayamas used include alternate nostril breathing, bellows breath, and Kapalabhati. These calm the mind, balance the nervous system, and improve breathing. These practices release deeply held emotions.

2. asanas (yoga for the vagus nerve)

Easy and slow yoga asanas from the restorative and yin yoga styles. The calm practice of yoga coupled with deep breath awareness activates the vagus nerve to help you relax. Perfect for easing depression, anxiety and letting go of stress in the body. 

3. sun salutation (surya namaskara)

Sun salutation lengthens and decompresses the spine, and is deeply relaxing. Strengthens muscles, improves blood and lymph circulation, and improves overall health.

4. emotional release (3 step process)

Clients are freed from stuck emotions from hurtful past relationships and life traumas. We can then create a new positive energy frequency. The 3 step process is a complete emotional and physical reset.

5. chakra balancing (energy work)

Prana Yoga balances the flow of energy through the energy centers (chakras). Removes blockages, boosts energy, brings greater self-awareness, and improves mental clarity.

6. meditation

Mindfulness practices reduce anxiety, help lift depression, and create inner peace. We do not ask clients to do long sitting meditations, rather, we make use of the time between other practices.

Wellness Yoga | Yoga Bed And Breakfast
Therapeutic Touch | Healing Yoga
7. yoga nidra (sleep yoga)

A deeply relaxing technique using guided imagery, and deep breathing to relax, and reduce stress. Very good for lowering heart rate, and letting go of anger. Heals unhealthy mental patterns, increases confidence, and renews energy.

8. therapeutic yoga

To treat specific conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Your instructor uses gentle adjustments, therapeutic touch, and props for support to help achieve correct alignment and maximize the benefits of each pose.

9. Lifestyle

We encourage healthy habits and behaviors that support well-being, and enhance quality of life. We incorporate diet into the teachings because mood, weight, and well-being are to a large degree determined by what we eat.

Practicing healing yoga is a powerful way to improve the quality of your life. It improves physical health, lowers stress, creates emotional balance, and supports spiritual growth. Daily practice, or a few times a week, brings profound change to your health and self-image.

The 3 Step Process

releasing the past

When we speak of stuck emotions we are referring to a state where an individual is unable to process, release, or manage their emotions effectively.

This often leads to feelings of emotional numbness or disconnection, difficulty finding or keeping healthy relationships. It is often characterized by intense feelings of anger, fear, sadness, or frustration.

By releasing suppressed emotions, individuals often experience a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels. Releasing emotional tension can alleviate physical symptoms such as chronic pain, headaches, and digestive issues.

The Yogi Living 3 step approach to emotional healing involves the following:

Step 1: Burning away stuck or blocked emotions from the past.

Step 2: Visualizing the new radiant version of you and a future happy relationship.

Step 3: Creating a strategy to make it happen.

Individuals often feel lighter, more balanced, and emotionally resilient after emotional release sessions. They are more able to observe and manage their emotions and are less affected by the words of others.

Experience Healing Yoga

let go of the past

private coaching

Complete support and encouragement every step of the way!

wellness retreat

Begin your awakening journey in the beautiful county of Skåne.

ashram retreat

Dedicated time to focus on a deep healing process in the ashram.

Healing Yoga Benefits

integrating mind body and spirit

Healing yoga combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation practices that promote recovery and well-being. It is specifically tailored to support physical, mental, and emotional healing.

These are some of the key benefits of healing yoga:

physical benefits

  1. More Flexibility and Strength: Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises improve flexibility and muscle tone. With time, these practices ease physical tension and reduce risk of injury.

  2. Pain Relief: Many use healing yoga to manage chronic pain, such as arthritis, back pain, or fibromyalgia. The gentle movements and focus on alignment helps reduce pain and improve overall physical function.

  3. Better Circulation and Heart Health: The combination of movement and breath found in healing yoga promotes better blood flow and cardiovascular health. This can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and build a healthier heart.

  4. Improved Breathing: Pranayama is a core practice of healing yoga. Regular use improves lung capacity and efficiency, and helps with respiratory conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Yoga Nidra | Garden Yoga

mental and emotional benefits

  1. Lower Stress: Healing yoga reduces stress with relaxation techniques that activate the vagus nerve. This helps to lower blood cortisol and promotes a sense of calm and relaxation.

  2. Improved Concentration: Meditation and mindfulness practices help quiet the mind, and improve focus and mental clarity. This is particularly beneficial for anyone with anxiety, depression, or attention disorders.

  3. Emotional Balance: Healing yoga releases stored emotions and help create emotional balance. With mindful movement and breath work, clients process and release negative emotions, leading to a more stable and positive outlook on life.

  4. Self-Awareness: The inwardly directed focus of healing yoga increases self-awareness and self-acceptance. Clients listen to their bodies and minds, and better understand their needs and limits. This leads to healthier choices and improved self-care.

spiritual benefits

  1. Deepened Connection to Self and Others: Healing yoga often includes elements of spiritual growth and introspection, leading to a deeper connection with oneself and a greater sense of empathy and compassion towards others.

  2. Sense of Inner Peace: Many find that healing yoga provides a sense of inner peace and spiritual fulfillment. The practice encourages a focus on the present moment, fostering a feeling of contentment and tranquility.

  3. Enhanced Mind-Body-Spirit Integration: The holistic nature of healing yoga promotes an integrated approach to health, addressing the mind, body, and spirit. This balanced approach can lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling life experience.

The long-term benefits of healing Prana Yoga cannot be understated. Chronic physical or emotional pain affects more than just physical well-being, it can be detrimental to a persons mental and emotional state. If left untreated it can lead to depression, mental health problems and increased risk of illness across a broad spectrum of health factors. All aspects of life are affected from relationships to work performance, even life expectancy.

Prana Yoga has the potential to bring joy back into your life, renew your relationships and give you purpose and hope for the future.

Prana Yoga Retreat

enjoy the serenity of it all

We are planning a Prana Yoga retreat for later in the year though we have no fixed dates yet. If you would like to hear from us about future events just fill in the form below. We absolutely NEVER spam!

Be the first to hear about the next retreat!

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Living as a tantrika

Yoga can change your life. I know because it happened to me. I had a prestigious career in political science, but I wanted more freedom, love and joy in my life. So, I took a huge risk. I put my career behind me and left for India to study yoga.

I hope Living As A Tantrika inspires you to practice yoga and one day come see us at Yogi Living.